ATPL integrated starting from an existing PPL
If you already have an EASA private pilot license, then this ATPL from PPL course (with prior knowledge) is just right for you.
Starting your professional education is easy. First you undergo “Phase in” flight training to familiarize yourself with our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This gives us a uniform basis for all of our students, whether with or without prior knowledge.
You’ll start your education with ATPL theory and build on your existing skills. Our team will help you every step of the way. All of our flight and theory instructors have many years of flying industry experience. Our team includes flight meteorologists, air traffic law experts, active airline pilots and air traffic controllers, and former military pilots.

Course Entry Requirements
- Minimum age 18
- Very good English language skills
- Good reputation
- no criminal record
- Aviation Medical Certification Class 1 (including Instrument Rating check)
- European passport, valid residence permit or student visa
- Matura, Abitur, A levels or international High School diploma
- Basic Qualification Test
- Attendance at an Information Afternoon or career counselling session
- Personal interview
- PPL (A)
Course duration
- Full-time training: 16-20 months (as experience value, with optimal training course and depending on your time availability)
- Part-time training: 20-24 months (as experience value, varying depending on your availability)
You determine the pace of your training!
Course structure
Your training is divided into 4 blocks:

In this block you’ll add to your knowledge and learn the theory that a commercial pilot needs to know. ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) Theory covers the following subjects:
- Air Law,
- General Aircraft Knowledge (Airframes, Systems, Powerplant, Instrumentation),
- Mass and Balance,
- Performance,
- Flight Planning,
- Human Performance and Limitations,
- Meteorology,
- General Navigation,
- Radio Navigation,
- Operational Procedures,
- Principles of Flight, and
- VFR and IFR Communication.
During this block the instruction will again be with the online eAcademy Training System you are already familiar with. This lets you build up your theoretical knowledge parallel to your practical training, to make very efficient use of time. Each subject is concluded with an online test. This is required for continuation to the classroom phase in Wr. Neustadt (LOAN). When you have completed the classroom instruction for all ATPL subjects, you’re ready for the official theoretical ATPL examination.

This part of the training focuses on getting the requisite flying time under your belt. You’ll fly alone and gain experience flying to commercial airports, small aerodromes and other countries. We’ll supervise you from flight planning to debriefing on the ground with a flight instructor. Introduction to night flying is another important part of this block.

In this block we get into IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) and MEP (Multi Engine Piston) flight training. Your first instrument flight will be on the FNPT II simulator, before you move on to a single-engine plane (DA40) and then continue on the twin-engine DA42.
A large part of the instrument flight instruction will take place on the FNPT II flight simulator in Wr. Neustadt. Here you can train all procedures risk-free, including coping with instrument failures, system and engine malfunctions, and other emergency situations. A skill test concludes the practical training. Now you have successfully completed your professional pilot training and have also learned the theory needed for an airline pilot license.

In this last phase of your training, we'll prepare you to work in a two-person jet aircraft cockpit, dividing the tasks and communicating correctly and efficiently.
Our MCC (Multi Crew Cooperation) and JOT (Jet Orientation Training) course is held at our simulator centre in Neusiedl am See. You'll learn to fly a jet properly in one of our full flight simulators. We are one of the very few academies, which does the MCC &JOT on a level D qualified full flight simulator!
Our syllabus exceeds the minimum requirements: Instead of only 15 hours practical MCC instruction (in an integrated ATPL course) you will get 28 hours of jet-flying experience. Ground course lasts 25 hours, followed by 12 hours cockpit procedures training and 16 hours MCC and JOT flight training.
This part of your education is vital, and forms the transition to jet flight operation. The MCC course is required for airline pilots and for admission to a type rating on a particular aircraft type. When you finish your education with your MCC certificate, you'll receive your pilot license. You're ready for departure - well prepared to apply for a position with your future employer!
You complete the training with an EASA CPL (Commercial Pilot License) with ATPL Theory Credit. In your pilot license the authorizations SEP (Single Engine Piston), MEP (Multi Engine Piston) and IFR (Instrument Flight Rules ) are entered. This entitles you to fly single-engine or multi-engine aircraft under visual and instrument flight conditions. You will also receive an MCC (Multi Crew Cooperation) license entry. Nothing stands in the way of a job with an airline after completing your training.
It was a great experience to be able to fly state of the art aircraft from the very first lesson.

AAA Student
The composition of active airline and executive pilots as flight instructors enables learning from many areas at the same time.

First Officer A320
Interested? Then register now!

The shortest path to your high-end education?
- Mrs. Dajana Jozic, pilot(at) / Phone +43-5-9449-950 or
- our Office team / Phone +43-5-9449-900.
They will be more than happy to advise you!